Avviso: le spedizioni degli ordini sono sospese dal giorno 19 dicembre 2024 al giorno 7 gennaio 2025

Patty L'Abbate

Patty L'Abbate è Senatrice della Repubblica (Commissione permanente Territorio, Ambiente, beni ambientali), Economista ecologico PhD, docente in Management delle risorse naturali e delle energie rinnovabili. Ricercatrice nei settori dell’Economia Circolare, Contabilità ambientale, Life Cycle Thinking  ed Ecoinnovazione.
È stata relatrice del decreto Clima, ha partecipato come delegazione italiana ai Summit mondiali sul Climate Change, COP24 e COP25. Autrice del capitolo Small-Size vanadium redox Flow batteries: An Environmental Sustainability Analysis via LCA, in Life Cycle Assessment of Energy Systems and Sustainable Energy Technologies, edito da Springer. Autrice di Green Accounting and management for Sustainable Manufacturing in the Textile Industry, (2020, Edizioni Ambiente). I suoi paper sono pubblicati su Journal of Cleaner Production, International journal of hydrogen energy, Land Use Policy.

Patty L’Abbate, Senator of the Italian Republic (XVIII legislature), 13th Permanent Commission (Territory, environment, environmental goods). PhD in Economics and Management of Natural Resources, scholar of Nicholas Georgescu Roegen and member of the International Association of Ecological Economists (ISEE) and scientific association Rete Italiana LCA. She has been dealing with sustainability and systemic approach for many years. Her main research topics are: environmental accounting, Life Cycle Thinking, I/O analysis in physical units, circular economy and eco-innovation. Author of the Small-Size vanadium redox flow batteries: an environmental sustainability analysis via LCA, in the book Life Cycle Assessment of Energy Systems and Sustainable Energy Technologies, published by Springer. Her papers are published in the Journal of Cleaner Production, International journal of hydrogen energy, Land Use Policy.