Books in English
Uscita: | maggio 2023 |
ISBN: | 9788866273813 |
N.pagine: | 144 |
Formato: | 17x24 |
Stato: | pubblicato |
The effects of climate change on human health are gaining attention worldwide. Healthcare systems suffer these impacts while being responsible for 4.4% of global CO2 emissions: new sustainable solutions are urgently needed. MedTech is a key industry to drive this transition.
What Is The Circular Economy
New updated and expanded edition
Emanuele Bompan, con la collaborazione di Ilaria Nicoletta BrambillaUscita: | settembre 2021 |
ISBN: | 9788866273394 |
N.pagine: | 240 |
Formato: | 13,2X18,5 |
Stato: | pubblicato |
Prezzo: |
The new, updated and expanded edition of What Is the Circular Economy traces the genesis of concepts and practices of the transition to circularity
Green Accounting and Management for Sustainable Manufacturing – in the Textile Industry
Patty L'Abbate
Uscita: | aprile 2020 |
ISBN: | 9788866272892 |
Stato: | pubblicato |
In the study, the LCA tool was applied to an Italian polyester fabric (Apulia Stretch company in Apulia region) to innovate and improve the sustainability of products and improve its competitiveness in international markets.
Uscita: | settembre 2018 |
ISBN: | 9788866272588 |
Stato: | pubblicato |
“This book is extremely useful, as it allows us to try and land, flesh out in real life, a model that is far too often thought of as a chimera, good for the debate table of the theorists, but not really for those who deal with real economics.”
Carlo Petrini
The Intelligence of Nature
3D farming and 11 more unstoppable trends that are revolutioning the production of food and fuel, regenerating nature, and rebuilding communities
Uscita: | agosto 2018 |
ISBN: | 9788866272571 |
N.pagine: | 192 |
Formato: | 15X23 |
Stato: | pubblicato |
Prezzo: |
The 12 trends presented in The Intelligence of Nature concern the entire economic system, but first of all they apply in agriculture and the agri-food industry.
Circular Economy in Italy
The recycling supply chain: backbone of a waste free economy
Duccio BianchiUscita: | July 2018 |
ISBN: | 9788866272564 |
Stato: | pubblicato |
Circular Economy in Italy tells the story of the current circular economy transformation that is taking over in Italy, and making it a successful example to be followed internationally.
Uscita: | February 2018 |
ISBN: | 9788866272342 |
N.pagine: | 160 |
Formato: | 13,2X18,5 |
Stato: | fuori catalogo |
Walter R. Stahel
The whole of micro systemic relations generates the new economic-productive model
Luigi BistagninoUscita: | june 2017 |
ISBN: | 9788866272113 |
Stato: | pubblicato |
When it comes to economics or production, immediately everybody starts thinking of big industries, large-scale production and international markets. Unfortunately, this happens because these beliefs are spread in the imagination and collective culture as the only way to generate wealth and well-being of society.
Uscita: | May 2017 |
ISBN: | 9788866272175 |
N.pagine: | 240 |
Formato: | 21X27 |
Stato: | pubblicato |
Prezzo: |
“Publications like this book are crucial to disseminate sustainable good
practice and offer a possible and feasible vision of the future.”
Claudio Marenzi, Chairman at Pitti Immagine
Uscita: | April 2016 |
ISBN: | 9788866271987 |
Stato: | pubblicato |
A fascinating journey into the bioeconomy’s world through a series of interviews with its main protagonists: big companies such as Clariant, Novamont, UPM, Braskem and Novozymes, clusters, universities and research centers, political and economic institutions. This is The Bioeconomy Revolution, the first book telling from inside the bioeconomy, which can be defined as an economy where the basic building blocks for materials, chemicals and energy are derived from renewable biological resources.
Uscita: | February 2016 |
ISBN: | 9788866271888 |
N.pagine: | 304 |
Formato: | 17X24 |
Stato: | pubblicato |
Prezzo: |
Published for the first time in 2012, Eating Planet illustrates Barilla Center For Food and Nutrition’s suggestions to win the sustainability challenge facing the global agribusiness system.
Bioplastics: a case study of Bioeconomy in Italy
A smart chemistry for a smarter life in a smarter planet
a cura di Walter GanapiniUscita: | aprile 2013 |
N.pagine: | 160 |
Stato: | pubblicato |
Bioplastics: A case study of Bioeconomy in Italy provides a no-nonsense case in support of public policies that modify consumption patterns, contribute solving environmental issues while stimulating product and process innovation all along a product’s life-cycle.